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Teachers for Global Classrooms


  Why Global Learning?


In this era of instant communication and data transfer, via the Internet, rapid air travel, and other technologies, people are already part of the global learning process weather they know it or not.


The more we prepare our students to compete and participate in a global economy now they better they will be able to participate in their adult world.


Many of today's issues cross borders and cultures, understanding and working with each other is critical in solving world issues such as climate change, water access, and sustainable food production.



As member of the Teachers for Global Classrooms Fellowship, I have created this guide to share some of my experiences and paradigms on the importance of teaching our children to think globally. As part of this fellowship I and nine other fantastic teachers have been selected to go to Senegal Africa to share and learn from their education administration as well as travel to remote areas and teach alongside of local Senegalese teachers. I am heading first to Dakar and then to Kolda.

                  Capstone Elements


Welcome to my web page and blog about global learning and the Teachers for Global Classrooms visit to Kolda Senegal April 17-May 2 2017

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What are Global Competencies?

When teachers incorporate global education resources and competencies into their classrooms, students become part of the world rather than learning in geographical isolation. Students become active learners who can apply knowledge to larger scale applications rather than a workbook page or quiz. They become problem solvers on  local, national and global levels and world.  Global Education Resources provide educators with resources for all students including those with IEPs and ELL students.

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